Nanowirmo 2018 – day 2

Yes, I know I missed day 1, I didn’t sign up for it until day 2.


Word count: 2249

That’s not bad for a day, and it’s a failure for two days… but *shrugs*

I did sign up for 4thewords and then the oddest thing happened: I already had a record. I felt like Gandalf in a meme. Intones sonorously, I have no memory of this place.

According to the website, I signed up in October 2016. What?

And I had two files posted; one full of intriguing book titles and the other some hastily scribbled bits about a magic carnival… and nope. I have ZERO memory of writing these things. I didn’t do any battles… I just signed up and then seemed to forget about it. [thanks ADHD]

I was oddly thrown back into a memory from years ago when I got on a bus and the driver knew my name and said we were at school together. I spent the whole trip scouring my brain to remember who he was. It can’t be junior high school, I went to a girl’s school. And so on.

I had NO clue who he was. And then, as I alighted, he said his name… and nope. It still didn’t ring a bell. I smiled happily and made all the right noises… but I still didn’t know who he was.

I am hopeless at life, I tell you.

Oooh, just noticed someone uses 4theWords to write their Goodreads reviews… [No, Brain.]

My electronic devices crawled through the day. Sydney is having a mini heatwave and it hit 38C in my back room – where my desk is.

But we nano-on! For the words, she cries!