
I passed a milestone recently…

I use a writing app called 4thewords. It gamifies writing. Setting your little avatar on a road to adventure where you travel from one area to another, fighting battles with creatures, completing challenges and earning reward and inventory items. To any gamer, it is a familiar situation.

And that is why it works.

I’m not writing, I’m winning a battle, completing a quest where I have to defeat five of a particular monster type, or collect seven of these items that monsters drop, or whatever. It totally works for the gamer mind.

You can also earn wardrobe items and ‘dress’ your avatar in various items you have won or bought with your hard earned crystals. There is a forum where you can interact with other players, and vote on best dressed avatars.

You also get rewards for not breaking your streak. 434 words a day is the word count required. My streak is 459 days.

At the moment, my avatar looks like this.

4tw avatar 2020

How cute am I? And look at my cool grey hair. As an older lady it was important to me to represent. [That’s the closest I can get to it and I DO own red reading glasses.]

Last month I was male, so that is cool as well. You can have three saved avatars of either body form.

But at any rate, my big milestone was this one:

4tw stats 2020

Over One million words written in this program since I joined it in May 2016. I use it to do my morning pages, to take notes in a podcast, or course. The documents are stored in the cloud but you can download them and save back-ups to Word or in other formats.

You do need to purchase crystals to spend on some items, or to trade for subscription time, but it’s not very expensive; $4 a month at the most.

If you want to try it out use my referral code: SPYKA97002


Post nanowrimo

Often after Nanowrimo people just stop… but I have to say, I haven’t. So, yay!

And I am totally crediting 4theWords with that. And look at me after I won a few things… aren’t I cute?

post nano 4tw avatar

Daily word count:

4,957 Sunday

3,300 Monday

3,638 Tuesday

1,197 Wednesday

I will try to keep up with posting. If only for myself. Accountability.


Nanowrimo 2018 – day 15

Daily word count:  1,940

Total word count:  29,729

Oops I forgot to do my morning blogpost for the day before. Better late than never, eh?

Well, I think this draft is officially what they call a ‘discovery draft’. That’s just a fancy term for making it up as I go along. Which can also be called ‘pantsing’ – ie. writing by the seat of your pants.

I know the ending I am writing towards, so it’s not entirely pantsing. There’s a plan; it’s just very vague (or even blank) in the middle.

I’m plantsing? Some odd combination of plotting and pantsing?

More articles in the daily news from that reality TV dude for the fodder mill.

*rubs hands* mutters ‘excellent’ to self.

I’m off to the library to return a book that I did not entirely enjoy. *shrugs* that’s life, eh?

Then more words. I am starting to plan my 4theWords day. I need to collect more of these items, so I need to target these creatures… it’s an incidental thing to me what time and word count they have.

Wait… THIS is how it works! Sneaky buggers.